Health and Medical News and Resources

General interest items edited by Janice Flahiff

Plates, cups and takeaway containers shape what (and how) we eat

From the June 2, 2020 article at The Conversation

“Home cooks have been trying out their skills during isolation. But the way food tastes depends on more than your ability to follow a recipe. 

Our surroundingsthe people we share food with and the design of our tableware – our cups, bowls and plates, cutlery and containers – affect the way we experience food.

Read more: Should we eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper?

For example, eating from a heavier bowl can make you feel food is more filling and tastes better than eating from a lighter one.

Contrast this with fast food, which is most commonly served in lightweight disposable containers, which encourages fast eatingunderestimating how much food you’re eating, and has even been linked to becoming impatient.

These are just some examples of the vital, but largely unconscious, relationship between the design of our tableware – including size, shape, weight and colour – and how we eat.”

Read the entire article for how the following affect the experience of eating
— color of your crockery (as cups and plates)
for example, colored crockery tend to make food taste sweeter!

August 13, 2020 Posted by | Psychology | , , , , | Leave a comment

Flavor and the new Nordic cuisine: BioMed Central’s new scientific journal Flavor is launched

From the 3 April 2012 article at Eureka News Alert

BioMed Central’s new journal Flavour was officially launched last night at a seminar ‘Flavour and the new Nordic Cuisine’, held in conjunction with the London Gastronomy Seminars and the University of London’s Centre for the Study of senses at Senate House, University of London.

Guests had their senses stimulated with the latest delights emerging from the ground-breaking number one restaurant in the world, Noma, whose Nordic Food Lab provided tasting samples including seaweed ice-cream and kelp crisps.

Speakers, Per Møller, Associate Professor of Sensory Science, University of Copenhagen and Editor-in-Chief of Flavour, Ole Mouritsen, Author of Sushi and Professor of Biophysics at the University of Southern Denmark and Lars Williams, Head of Research at Noma and the Nordic Food Lab, introduced the journal as well as giving an insight into the science behind the food we eat and how flavour shapes our world.

Flavour is a multi-disciplinary journal that reflects the growing interest in molecular gastronomy and focuses on all aspects of flavour, its creation and perception and its affect on behaviour and nutrition.

The journal aims to provide a collective platform for the publication of evidence-based research that will be accessible not only to researchers but also to the wider community of chefs, food professionals and the public. The first issue includes articles on the role of attention in flavour perception, the impact of food aroma on bite size and the development of new seaweed flavourings from restaurant Noma and the Nordic Food Lab, as part of the New Nordic Cuisine.

Per Møller, Editor-in-Chief of Flavour, said: “In recent years, there has been an enormous increase in knowledge related to flavour, from the fields of physics, chemistry, psychology, neuroscience and, most recently, the new field of molecular gastronomy. I hope that Flavour will provide a forum for scientists interested in flavour and that it will facilitate understanding of the ways flavour shapes our world; from pleasure to its broader effects on food choice, behaviour and health.”

Flavour welcomes contributions from the fields of neuroscience, psychology, genetics, sensory science and food chemistry and especially encourages contributions from chefs who are introducing science into their kitchens, often working in partnership with academic research groups.

A video with highlights from the launch will be available shortly on the journal website.

April 4, 2012 Posted by | Nutrition | , , , , , | Leave a comment